Developing Garden

Once you've set up your developer environment, you're ready to hack on Garden!


To enable setting a breakpoint in the code, run the CLI with the bin/garden-debug binary, which adds the --inspect flag. Developers might find it useful to alias this:

alias gd='/path/to/garden/bin/garden-debug'

You can e.g. use the Chrome DevTools to inspect the code at the breakpoint:

  1. Add a debugger statement somewhere in the code.

  2. Navigate to chrome://inspect/ in your Chrome browser.

  3. Click the Open dedicated DevTools for Node link.

  4. Run a CLI command that hits the breakpoint, e.g.:

/path/to/garden/bin/garden-debug deploy # or gd deploy, if you've set the alias

You should now be able to inspect the code at run time in the Console tab of the DevTools window.

Release binaries and Docker containers

The Garden production binaries are a small Rust single application binary that extracts NodeJS binaries and the bundled Garden source code into a temporary directory, and then spawns NodeJS.

To build the production binaries you'll need the Rust toolchain and cross, which we use for cross-compiling to different architectures and operating systems.

To install the required tools, follow the Cross getting started guide.

You can build the release binaries using the command

npm run dist [target] # Valid targets are currently `windows-amd64`, `linux-arm64`, `linux-amd64`, `macos-arm64` and `macos-amd64`.

Use the option --cargocommand=cross for cross-platform builds, otherwise cargo build will be the default.

You can then find the release binaries and archives under dist/.

We release a number of Docker containers on Docker Hub.

The Docker containers meant to be used directly by the general public are defined in support/docker-bake.hcl and listed in the DockerHub containers reference guide.

When making changes to the Dockerfile definitions in support/ it is helpful to build the containers on your local machine.

For that, first run npm run dist, and then run docker buildx bake like so:

    docker buildx bake -f support/docker-bake.hcl all

The environment variables will influence the tags that buildx bake will create on your local machine (e.g. stable release tags, prerelease tags, version number, etc.).

To run the tests on your local machine, first run npm run dist (if not already done so), and then run

bash support/


Unit tests are run using mocha via npm run test from the directory of the package you want to test. To run a specific test, you can grep the test description with the -g flag.:

cd core
npm run test                    # run all unit tests
npm run test -- -g "taskGraph"  # run only tests with descriptions matching "taskGraph"

ARM64 compatibility

On ARM64 platforms (like Mac machines with M1 chips) the npm run test command may fail with the following error:

FATAL ERROR: wasm code commit Allocation failed - process out of memory

In order to fix it, the terminal must be running in the Rosetta mode, the detailed instructions can be found in this SO answer.

Integration tests are run with:

npm run integ-local

End-to-end tests are run with:

npm run e2e

You can also run the end-to-end tests for a specific example project using:

npm run e2e-project -- --project=<example project name>

End-to-end tests are run in CI by using Garden itself to test the project defined in ./core/test/e2e/garden.yml. Cf. the appropriate job in circleci/config.yml for details.

Last updated

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