Provider Configuration

First, you need to enable the pulumi provider in your project configuration. This is as simple as placing it in your list of providers:

kind: Project
name: my-project
  - name: pulumi # <----

In case you want to use different backends for different Garden environments you can configure your provider and modules follows. This example uses two different pulumi backends. In the dev environment it uses a self-managed state backend, in this case an S3 bucket which is specified with the backendURL. In the prod environment it uses pulumi managed state backend, which is the default so we don't need to specify a backendURL.

Note that when you use a self managed state backend, Garden's module level cacheStatus needs to be set to false, since caching is only available with the pulumi managed state backend. The same applies to orgName which only makes sense in the context of the pulumi managed state backend. Please ensure that orgName is set to null or empty string "" for all the environments that are not using the pulumi managed state backend.

kind: Project
name: pulumi
defaultEnvironment: dev
  cacheStatus: true
  - name: dev
      backendURL: s3://<bucket-name>
      cacheStatus: false # cacheStatus has to be set to false for self-managed state backends
  - name: prod
      orgName: garden
  - name: pulumi
    environments: [dev, prod]
    orgName: ${var.orgName || null} # ensure orgName is null or "" for self-managed state backends
    backendURL: ${var.backendURL || null} # defaults to Pulumi managed state backend if null or ""

kind: Module
type: pulumi
name: aws-s3
stack: ${}
createStack: true
cacheStatus: ${var.cacheStatus} # cacheStatus has to be set to false for self-managed state backends
description: Creates an s3 bucket
  environment: ${}

There are several configuration options you can set on the provider—see the reference docs for the pulumi provider for details.

Last updated