
Modules are deprecated and will be removed in version 0.14. Please use action-based configuration instead. See the 0.12 to Bonsai migration guide for details.


Deploys a Pulumi stack and either creates/updates it automatically (if autoApply: true) or warns when the stack resources are not up-to-date, or errors if it's missing entirely.

Note: It is not recommended to set autoApply to true for production or shared environments, since this may result in accidental or conflicting changes to the stack. Instead, it is recommended to manually preview and update using the provided plugin commands. Run garden plugins pulumi for details. Note that not all Pulumi CLI commands are wrapped by the plugin, only the ones where it's important to apply any variables defined in the action. For others, simply run the Pulumi CLI as usual from the project root.

Stack outputs are made available as service outputs. These can then be referenced by other actions under ${runtime.services.<module-name>.outputs.<key>}. You can template in those values as e.g. command arguments or environment variables for other services.

Below is the full schema reference. For an introduction to configuring Garden modules, please look at our Configuration guide.

The first section contains the complete YAML schema, and the second section describes each schema key.

pulumi modules also export values that are available in template strings. See the Outputs section below for details.

Complete YAML Schema

The values in the schema below are the default values.

kind: Module

# The type of this module.

# The name of this module.

# Specify how to build the module. Note that plugins may define additional keys on this object.
  # A list of modules that must be built before this module is built.
    - # Module name to build ahead of this module.

      # Specify one or more files or directories to copy from the built dependency to this module.
        - # POSIX-style path or filename of the directory or file(s) to copy to the target.

          # POSIX-style path or filename to copy the directory or file(s), relative to the build directory.
          # Defaults to the same as source path.

  # Maximum time in seconds to wait for build to finish.
  timeout: 600

# If set to true, Garden will run the build command, services, tests, and tasks in the module source directory,
# instead of in the Garden build directory (under .garden/build/<module-name>).
# Garden will therefore not stage the build for local modules. This means that include/exclude filters
# and ignore files are not applied to local modules, except to calculate the module/action versions.
# If you use use `build.dependencies[].copy` for one or more build dependencies of this module, the copied files
# will be copied to the module source directory (instead of the build directory, as is the default case when
# `local = false`).
# Note: This maps to the `buildAtSource` option in this module's generated Build action (if any).
local: false

# A description of the module.

# Set this to `true` to disable the module. You can use this with conditional template strings to disable modules
# based on, for example, the current environment or other variables (e.g. `disabled: ${environment.name == "prod"}`).
# This can be handy when you only need certain modules for specific environments, e.g. only for development.
# Disabling a module means that any services, tasks and tests contained in it will not be deployed or run. It also
# means that the module is not built _unless_ it is declared as a build dependency by another enabled module (in which
# case building this module is necessary for the dependant to be built).
# If you disable the module, and its services, tasks or tests are referenced as _runtime_ dependencies, Garden will
# automatically ignore those dependency declarations. Note however that template strings referencing the module's
# service or task outputs (i.e. runtime outputs) will fail to resolve when the module is disabled, so you need to make
# sure to provide alternate values for those if you're using them, using conditional expressions.
disabled: false

# Specify a list of POSIX-style paths or globs that should be regarded as the source files for this module. Files that
# do *not* match these paths or globs are excluded when computing the version of the module, when responding to
# filesystem watch events, and when staging builds.
# Note that you can also _exclude_ files using the `exclude` field or by placing `.gardenignore` files in your source
# tree, which use the same format as `.gitignore` files. See the [Configuration Files
# guide](https://docs.garden.io/using-garden/configuration-overview#including-excluding-files-and-directories) for
# details.
# Also note that specifying an empty list here means _no sources_ should be included.

# Specify a list of POSIX-style paths or glob patterns that should be excluded from the module. Files that match these
# paths or globs are excluded when computing the version of the module, when responding to filesystem watch events,
# and when staging builds.
# Note that you can also explicitly _include_ files using the `include` field. If you also specify the `include`
# field, the files/patterns specified here are filtered from the files matched by `include`. See the [Configuration
# Files guide](https://docs.garden.io/using-garden/configuration-overview#including-excluding-files-and-directories)
# for details.
# Unlike the `scan.exclude` field in the project config, the filters here have _no effect_ on which files and
# directories are watched for changes. Use the project `scan.exclude` field to affect those, if you have large
# directories that should not be watched for changes.

# A remote repository URL. Currently only supports git servers. Must contain a hash suffix pointing to a specific
# branch or tag, with the format: <git remote url>#<branch|tag>
# Garden will import the repository source code into this module, but read the module's config from the local
# garden.yml file.

# When false, disables pushing this module to remote registries via the publish command.
allowPublish: true

# A list of files to write to the module directory when resolving this module. This is useful to automatically
# generate (and template) any supporting files needed for the module.
  - # POSIX-style filename to read the source file contents from, relative to the path of the module (or the
    # ConfigTemplate configuration file if one is being applied).
    # This file may contain template strings, much like any other field in the configuration.

    # POSIX-style filename to write the resolved file contents to, relative to the path of the module source directory
    # (for remote modules this means the root of the module repository, otherwise the directory of the module
    # configuration).
    # Note that any existing file with the same name will be overwritten. If the path contains one or more
    # directories, they will be automatically created if missing.

    # By default, Garden will attempt to resolve any Garden template strings in source files. Set this to false to
    # skip resolving template strings. Note that this does not apply when setting the `value` field, since that's
    # resolved earlier when parsing the configuration.
    resolveTemplates: true

    # The desired file contents as a string.

# A map of variables scoped to this particular module. These are resolved before any other parts of the module
# configuration and take precedence over project-scoped variables. They may reference project-scoped variables, and
# generally use any template strings normally allowed when resolving modules.

# Specify a path (relative to the module root) to a file containing variables, that we apply on top of the
# module-level `variables` field.
# The format of the files is determined by the configured file's extension:
# * `.yaml`/`.yml` - YAML. The file must consist of a YAML document, which must be a map (dictionary). Keys may
# contain any value type. YAML format is used by default.
# * `.env` - Standard "dotenv" format, as defined by [dotenv](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv#rules).
# * `.json` - JSON. Must contain a single JSON _object_ (not an array).
# _NOTE: The default varfile format was changed to YAML in Garden v0.13, since YAML allows for definition of nested
# objects and arrays._
# To use different module-level varfiles in different environments, you can template in the environment name
# to the varfile name, e.g. `varfile: "my-module.${environment.name}.env` (this assumes that the corresponding
# varfiles exist).

# The names of any services that this service depends on at runtime, and the names of any tasks that should be
# executed before this service is deployed.
dependencies: []

# If set to true, Garden will destroy the stack when calling `garden cleanup namespace` or `garden cleanup deploy
# <deploy action name>`.
# This is useful to prevent unintentional destroys in production or shared environments.
allowDestroy: true

# If set to false, deployments will fail unless a `planPath` is provided for this deploy action. This is useful when
# deploying to
# production or shared environments, or when the action deploys infrastructure that you don't want to unintentionally
# update/create.
autoApply: true

# If set to true, Garden will automatically create the stack if it doesn't already exist.
createStack: false

# Specify the path to the Pulumi project root, relative to the deploy action's root.
root: .

# A map of config variables to use when applying the stack. These are merged with the contents of any `pulumiVarfiles`
# provided
# for this deploy action. The deploy action's stack config will be overwritten with the resulting merged config.
# Variables declared here override any conflicting config variables defined in this deploy action's `pulumiVarfiles`.
# Note: `pulumiVariables` should not include action outputs from other pulumi deploy actions when `cacheStatus` is set
# to true, since
# the outputs may change from the time the stack status of the dependency action is initially queried to when it's
# been deployed.
# Instead, use pulumi stack references when using the `cacheStatus` config option.
pulumiVariables: {}

# Specify one or more paths (relative to the deploy action's root) to YAML files containing pulumi config variables.
# Templated paths that resolve to `null`, `undefined` or an empty string are ignored.
# Any Garden template strings in these varfiles will be resolved when the files are loaded.
# Each file must consist of a single YAML document, which must be a map (dictionary). Keys may contain any
# value type.
# If one or more varfiles is not found, no error is thrown (that varfile path is simply ignored).
# Note: There is no need to nest the variables under a `config` field as is done in a pulumi
# config. Simply specify all the config variables at the top level.
pulumiVarfiles: []

# The name of the pulumi organization to use. Overrides the `orgName` set on the pulumi provider (if any).
# To use the default org, set to null.

# When set to true, the pulumi stack will be tagged with the Garden service version when deploying. The tag
# will then be used for service status checks for this service. If the version doesn't change between deploys,
# the subsequent deploy is skipped.
# Note that this will not pick up changes to stack outputs referenced via stack references in your pulumi stack,
# unless they're referenced via template strings in the deploy action configuration.
# When using stack references to other pulumi deploy actions in your project, we recommend including them in this
# deploy action's `stackReferences` config field (see the documentation for that field on this page).
# `cacheStatus: true` is not supported for self-managed state backends.
cacheStatus: false

# When setting `cacheStatus` to true for this deploy action, you should include all stack references used by this
# deploy action's pulumi stack in this field.
# This lets Garden know to redeploy the pulumi stack if the output values of one or more of these stack references
# have changed since the last deployment.
stackReferences: []

# When set to true, will use pulumi plans generated by the `garden plugins pulumi preview` command when
# deploying, and will fail if no plan exists locally for the deploy action.
# When this option is used, the pulumi plugin bypasses the status check altogether and passes the plan directly
# to `pulumi up` (via the `--plan` option, which is experimental as of March 2022). You should therefore
# take care to only use this config option when you're sure you want to apply the changes in the plan.
# This option is intended for two-phase pulumi deployments, where pulumi preview diffs are first reviewed (e.g.
# during code review).
deployFromPreview: false

# The name of the pulumi stack to use. Defaults to the current environment name.

Configuration Keys



The type of this module.


type: "container"


The name of this module.


name: "my-sweet-module"


Specify how to build the module. Note that plugins may define additional keys on this object.


build > dependencies

A list of modules that must be built before this module is built.


    - name: some-other-module-name


build > dependencies > name

Module name to build ahead of this module.


build > dependencies > copy

Specify one or more files or directories to copy from the built dependency to this module.


build > dependencies > copy > source

POSIX-style path or filename of the directory or file(s) to copy to the target.


build > dependencies > copy > target

POSIX-style path or filename to copy the directory or file(s), relative to the build directory. Defaults to the same as source path.


build > timeout

Maximum time in seconds to wait for build to finish.


If set to true, Garden will run the build command, services, tests, and tasks in the module source directory, instead of in the Garden build directory (under .garden/build/).

Garden will therefore not stage the build for local modules. This means that include/exclude filters and ignore files are not applied to local modules, except to calculate the module/action versions.

If you use use build.dependencies[].copy for one or more build dependencies of this module, the copied files will be copied to the module source directory (instead of the build directory, as is the default case when local = false).

Note: This maps to the buildAtSource option in this module's generated Build action (if any).


A description of the module.


Set this to true to disable the module. You can use this with conditional template strings to disable modules based on, for example, the current environment or other variables (e.g. disabled: ${environment.name == "prod"}). This can be handy when you only need certain modules for specific environments, e.g. only for development.

Disabling a module means that any services, tasks and tests contained in it will not be deployed or run. It also means that the module is not built unless it is declared as a build dependency by another enabled module (in which case building this module is necessary for the dependant to be built).

If you disable the module, and its services, tasks or tests are referenced as runtime dependencies, Garden will automatically ignore those dependency declarations. Note however that template strings referencing the module's service or task outputs (i.e. runtime outputs) will fail to resolve when the module is disabled, so you need to make sure to provide alternate values for those if you're using them, using conditional expressions.


Specify a list of POSIX-style paths or globs that should be regarded as the source files for this module. Files that do not match these paths or globs are excluded when computing the version of the module, when responding to filesystem watch events, and when staging builds.

Note that you can also exclude files using the exclude field or by placing .gardenignore files in your source tree, which use the same format as .gitignore files. See the Configuration Files guide for details.

Also note that specifying an empty list here means no sources should be included.


  - Dockerfile
  - my-app.js


Specify a list of POSIX-style paths or glob patterns that should be excluded from the module. Files that match these paths or globs are excluded when computing the version of the module, when responding to filesystem watch events, and when staging builds.

Note that you can also explicitly include files using the include field. If you also specify the include field, the files/patterns specified here are filtered from the files matched by include. See the Configuration Files guide for details.

Unlike the scan.exclude field in the project config, the filters here have no effect on which files and directories are watched for changes. Use the project scan.exclude field to affect those, if you have large directories that should not be watched for changes.


  - tmp/**/*
  - '*.log'


A remote repository URL. Currently only supports git servers. Must contain a hash suffix pointing to a specific branch or tag, with the format: #<branch|tag>

Garden will import the repository source code into this module, but read the module's config from the local garden.yml file.


repositoryUrl: "git+https://github.com/org/repo.git#v2.0"


When false, disables pushing this module to remote registries via the publish command.


A list of files to write to the module directory when resolving this module. This is useful to automatically generate (and template) any supporting files needed for the module.


generateFiles > sourcePath

POSIX-style filename to read the source file contents from, relative to the path of the module (or the ConfigTemplate configuration file if one is being applied). This file may contain template strings, much like any other field in the configuration.


generateFiles > targetPath

POSIX-style filename to write the resolved file contents to, relative to the path of the module source directory (for remote modules this means the root of the module repository, otherwise the directory of the module configuration).

Note that any existing file with the same name will be overwritten. If the path contains one or more directories, they will be automatically created if missing.


generateFiles > resolveTemplates

By default, Garden will attempt to resolve any Garden template strings in source files. Set this to false to skip resolving template strings. Note that this does not apply when setting the value field, since that's resolved earlier when parsing the configuration.


generateFiles > value

The desired file contents as a string.


A map of variables scoped to this particular module. These are resolved before any other parts of the module configuration and take precedence over project-scoped variables. They may reference project-scoped variables, and generally use any template strings normally allowed when resolving modules.


Specify a path (relative to the module root) to a file containing variables, that we apply on top of the module-level variables field.

The format of the files is determined by the configured file's extension:

  • .yaml/.yml - YAML. The file must consist of a YAML document, which must be a map (dictionary). Keys may contain any value type. YAML format is used by default.

  • .env - Standard "dotenv" format, as defined by dotenv.

  • .json - JSON. Must contain a single JSON object (not an array).

NOTE: The default varfile format was changed to YAML in Garden v0.13, since YAML allows for definition of nested objects and arrays.

To use different module-level varfiles in different environments, you can template in the environment name to the varfile name, e.g. varfile: "my-module.${environment.name}.env (this assumes that the corresponding varfiles exist).


varfile: "my-module.env"


The names of any services that this service depends on at runtime, and the names of any tasks that should be executed before this service is deployed.


If set to true, Garden will destroy the stack when calling garden cleanup namespace or garden cleanup deploy <deploy action name>. This is useful to prevent unintentional destroys in production or shared environments.


If set to false, deployments will fail unless a planPath is provided for this deploy action. This is useful when deploying to production or shared environments, or when the action deploys infrastructure that you don't want to unintentionally update/create.


If set to true, Garden will automatically create the stack if it doesn't already exist.


Specify the path to the Pulumi project root, relative to the deploy action's root.


A map of config variables to use when applying the stack. These are merged with the contents of any pulumiVarfiles provided for this deploy action. The deploy action's stack config will be overwritten with the resulting merged config. Variables declared here override any conflicting config variables defined in this deploy action's pulumiVarfiles.

Note: pulumiVariables should not include action outputs from other pulumi deploy actions when cacheStatus is set to true, since the outputs may change from the time the stack status of the dependency action is initially queried to when it's been deployed.

Instead, use pulumi stack references when using the cacheStatus config option.


Specify one or more paths (relative to the deploy action's root) to YAML files containing pulumi config variables.

Templated paths that resolve to null, undefined or an empty string are ignored.

Any Garden template strings in these varfiles will be resolved when the files are loaded.

Each file must consist of a single YAML document, which must be a map (dictionary). Keys may contain any value type.

If one or more varfiles is not found, no error is thrown (that varfile path is simply ignored).

Note: There is no need to nest the variables under a config field as is done in a pulumi config. Simply specify all the config variables at the top level.


The name of the pulumi organization to use. Overrides the orgName set on the pulumi provider (if any). To use the default org, set to null.


When set to true, the pulumi stack will be tagged with the Garden service version when deploying. The tag will then be used for service status checks for this service. If the version doesn't change between deploys, the subsequent deploy is skipped.

Note that this will not pick up changes to stack outputs referenced via stack references in your pulumi stack, unless they're referenced via template strings in the deploy action configuration.

When using stack references to other pulumi deploy actions in your project, we recommend including them in this deploy action's stackReferences config field (see the documentation for that field on this page).

cacheStatus: true is not supported for self-managed state backends.


When setting cacheStatus to true for this deploy action, you should include all stack references used by this deploy action's pulumi stack in this field.

This lets Garden know to redeploy the pulumi stack if the output values of one or more of these stack references have changed since the last deployment.


  - ${actions.deploy.some-pulumi-deploy-action.outputs.ip-address}
  - ${actions.deploy.some-other-pulumi-deploy-action.outputs.database-url}


When set to true, will use pulumi plans generated by the garden plugins pulumi preview command when deploying, and will fail if no plan exists locally for the deploy action.

When this option is used, the pulumi plugin bypasses the status check altogether and passes the plan directly to pulumi up (via the --plan option, which is experimental as of March 2022). You should therefore take care to only use this config option when you're sure you want to apply the changes in the plan.

This option is intended for two-phase pulumi deployments, where pulumi preview diffs are first reviewed (e.g. during code review).


The name of the pulumi stack to use. Defaults to the current environment name.


Module Outputs

The following keys are available via the ${modules.<module-name>} template string key for pulumi modules.


The build path of the module.


my-variable: ${modules.my-module.buildPath}


The name of the module.


The source path of the module.


my-variable: ${modules.my-module.path}


A map of all variables defined in the module.



The current version of the module.


my-variable: ${modules.my-module.version}

Service Outputs

The following keys are available via the ${runtime.services.<service-name>} template string key for pulumi module services. Note that these are only resolved when deploying/running dependants of the service, so they are not usable for every field.


The current version of the service.


my-variable: ${runtime.services.my-service.version}

Task Outputs

The following keys are available via the ${runtime.tasks.<task-name>} template string key for pulumi module tasks. Note that these are only resolved when deploying/running dependants of the task, so they are not usable for every field.


The current version of the task.


my-variable: ${runtime.tasks.my-tasks.version}

Last updated