

This feature is still experimental and only available in Garden >=0.13.14. Please let us know if you have any questions or if any issues come up!

The ephemeral-kubernetes provider is a specialized version of the kubernetes provider that allows to deploy applications to one of the ephemeral Kubernetes clusters provided by Garden.

For information about using ephemeral Kubernetes clusters, please refer to Ephemeral Kubernetes clusters guide

Below is the full schema reference for the provider configuration. For an introduction to configuring a Garden project with providers, please look at our configuration guide.

The reference is divided into two sections. The first section contains the complete YAML schema, and the second section describes each schema key.

Complete YAML Schema

The values in the schema below are the default values.

  - # List other providers that should be resolved before this one.
    dependencies: []

    # If specified, this provider will only be used in the listed environments. Note that an empty array effectively
    # disables the provider. To use a provider in all environments, omit this field.

    # The name of the provider plugin to use.
    name: ephemeral-kubernetes

    # The container registry domain that should be used for pulling Garden utility images (such as the
    # image used in the Kubernetes sync utility Pod).
    # If you have your own Docker Hub registry mirror, you can set the domain here and the utility images
    # will be pulled from there. This can be useful to e.g. avoid Docker Hub rate limiting.
    # Otherwise the utility images are pulled directly from Docker Hub by default.
    utilImageRegistryDomain: docker.io

    # Specify which namespace to deploy services to (defaults to the project name). Note that the framework generates
    # other namespaces as well with this name as a prefix.
      # A valid Kubernetes namespace name. Must be a valid RFC1035/RFC1123 (DNS) label (may contain lowercase letters,
      # numbers and dashes, must start with a letter, and cannot end with a dash) and must not be longer than 63
      # characters.

      # Map of annotations to apply to the namespace when creating it.

      # Map of labels to apply to the namespace when creating it.

    # Set this to null or false to skip installing/enabling the `nginx` ingress controller. Note: if you skip
    # installing the `nginx` ingress controller for ephemeral cluster, your ingresses may not function properly.
    setupIngressController: nginx

Configuration Keys



providers > dependencies

List other providers that should be resolved before this one.


  - dependencies:
      - exec


providers > environments

If specified, this provider will only be used in the listed environments. Note that an empty array effectively disables the provider. To use a provider in all environments, omit this field.


  - environments:
      - dev
      - stage


providers > name

The name of the provider plugin to use.


  - name: "ephemeral-kubernetes"


providers > utilImageRegistryDomain

The container registry domain that should be used for pulling Garden utility images (such as the image used in the Kubernetes sync utility Pod).

If you have your own Docker Hub registry mirror, you can set the domain here and the utility images will be pulled from there. This can be useful to e.g. avoid Docker Hub rate limiting.

Otherwise the utility images are pulled directly from Docker Hub by default.


providers > namespace

Specify which namespace to deploy services to (defaults to the project name). Note that the framework generates other namespaces as well with this name as a prefix.


providers > namespace > name

A valid Kubernetes namespace name. Must be a valid RFC1035/RFC1123 (DNS) label (may contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes, must start with a letter, and cannot end with a dash) and must not be longer than 63 characters.


providers > namespace > annotations

Map of annotations to apply to the namespace when creating it.


  - namespace: ''
          cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/safe-to-evict: 'false'


providers > namespace > labels

Map of labels to apply to the namespace when creating it.


providers > setupIngressController

Set this to null or false to skip installing/enabling the nginx ingress controller. Note: if you skip installing the nginx ingress controller for ephemeral cluster, your ingresses may not function properly.


The following keys are available via the ${providers.<provider-name>} template string key for ephemeral-kubernetes providers.


The primary namespace used for resource deployments.


The dynamic hostname assigned to the ephemeral cluster automatically, when an ephemeral cluster is created.

Last updated